Cult3D Designer User Interface
The Cult3D Designer main work area consists of six different subwindows: Event Map, Scene Graph,
Preview, Actions, Object Properties and Events.
Event Map
figure 2—Options Menu
Events specify the input that triggers or drives the actions in the scene. For every event there is
an options menu that can be popped up with a right-click on the respective event. (See figure 2.)
The options menu lists the settings for the event:
Initial Activation |
Events can be either active or inactive. An inactive event can not be triggered until it has been
activated by an Activate Event action. If Initial Activation is checked,
then the event is active. If the action is not checked, then you need to activate the event before
it can be triggered. |
Automatic Reset |
Events can only be triggered when they are in the reset state. All events start out reset, but
once triggered they must be reset before they can be triggered again. You can either do an explicit
reset with a Reset Event action, or you can set it to automatically
reset after it has been triggered by checking the Automatic Reset
option in this menu.
Example 1: Attach a Left Mouse Button event to an object.
Unless Automatic Reset is activated (or the event is explicitly reset
with a Reset Event action) the end-user will only be able to trigger
it once by clicking.
Example 2: If you set a Timer event to trigger a System
Beep action after 2000ms, and enable Automatic Reset, then
the beep will sound every 2 seconds.
Change Name |
Changes the name of the event. |
Collapse Inputs |
Collapses the tree of objects and actions to one icon. |
Delete |
Deletes the event. |
Event Types |
World Start |
Triggered when the scene loads. |
World Stop |
Occurs when you quit the scene, i.e., load another scene. |
World Step |
Gets triggered every time that the scene gets rendered, which
normally happens about 30 or 15 times per second. All this depends
on the users computer and the scene/object running. If for instance
the object is small and uses very few polygons, then this event
can get triggered up to 200 times per second. This event is useful
to call Java actions which have real time constraints or things
that should continously happen. |
Timer |
The event is triggered after an author definable duration. By double-clicking the timer
icon you can change the delay.
animation system continuously deals with CPU breakdowns, peak conditions, system bottlenecks,
etc. In such a situation, timer events can not be 100% accurate. Since timer events are
managed from inside the animation system pipe (which is basically a loop of functional
modules), triggering may be slightly postponed.
As all other objects, timer events are managed in the same sequence
in which they were created. Example: If you create two timer events—first Timer1
and then Timer2—and you set both of them to 1000 ms, then Timer1 will always trigger
before Timer2. The triggering code is executed simultaneously for all the events: Timer2
will never overflow and overlap with Timer1. Now, if you bind Translation actions to each
of those two timers and connect both translations to the same object, it is possible that
the two translation actions accumulate different relative delays during their execution.
In that case, you may see strange overlapping behaviors of the two translations. This
is not due specifically to the use of timer events or how they are queued, but could obviously
occur whenever two different actions affect the same object at the same time.
[Left, Middle, Right] Mouse Button Pressed |
The end-user pressed the specified mouse button on the object associated with this event.
By selecting the left, middle,
or right event type, you can choose to trigger on the left,
middle or right mouse button.
Windows users have a two-button mouse (left and right),
while Macintosh users use a one-button mouse (left). Macintosh
users can use the control key to simulate the right mouse button.
Keyboard Button Pressed |
This event occurs when the end-user presses the specified key on the object associated
with the event. By double-clicking the Keyboard Button Pressed
event, you can define which keys or sequences of keys that should trigger the event. |
Keyboard Button Released |
Works like the Keyboard Button Pressed event, but activates only
when the end-user has released the key specified. By double-clicking the Keyboard
Button Released event, you can define which keys or sequences of keys that should
trigger the event. |
Object Motion Completion |
An object motion action has been completed. |
Sound Completion |
A sound action has been completed. |
Manual |
This event is what one would call a "dummy"
event. The only time it gets triggered is if another event triggers
it. |
Scene Graph
The Scene Graph window shows a hierarchical view of the data associated with objects and cameras.
You can use the Scene Graph to drag object icons to the Event Map in order to define new interactions.
Preview Window
Everything that is done to the object and scene is shown in this window. Here you can try out the
scene, just as the end-user will do in a browser window. The Preview window is fully interactive and
you can even left-click an object in the scene, and have that object highlighted in the Scene Graph.
You can also drag an object directly from the Preview window to the Event Map (by holding down the
control key while left-dragging the object). The result is a rendered icon of the object in the Event
Map, thus making it much easier to set up complex event maps.
toolbar functions and the manipulations of the object performed in the Preview window have
no effect on the resulting presentation.
They are only there to assist in the creation of the presentation
and to allow the author to see all details of the object and the scene. The preview does
not have to be running to rotate, translate, and zoom; it suffices that the third toolbar
button (Toggle Select vs. Rotate-Zoom-Translate) is pressed.
The toolbar in the Preview window has four different buttons.
- Show Pivot
Toggles the display of each object's pivot point (or "center", i.e., the point the object rotates
- Reset Translation and Rotation
Resets translation and rotation values of the object to initial values. Very useful if you have
been fiddling with the object for a while and want to get back to initial conditions.
- Toggle Select vs. Rotate-Zoom-Translate
When this toolbar button is pressed, you can rotate, zoom, or translate the object by clicking and
dragging with the mouse. When the toolbar button is not pressed, clicking with the mouse only affects
object selection.
Mouse Button |
Resulting Effect |
Left |
Rotate |
Right |
Zoom |
Left & Right |
Translate (move) |
Note: The object must be selected
for you to interact with it. Click the object once with the left mouse button to select
it. |
- Multiple Selections
Not yet implemented.
With Cult3D Designer, you get some pre-made actions. With these you can control your scene
and object to your desire. You connect an action to an event, and then connect the selected data (i.e.
object, sound, etc.) to the action you want the data to perform.
Object Motion Actions |
Play Motion
If there is animation data for the selected object, this action starts the animation. Double-clicking
the action icon in the Event Map opens the dialog in figure 4, where you can adjust the
following parameters:
- Transition Time
Defines the duration of the object's animation.
- Motion
Lets the author choose between submotions, which are defined by right-clicking the object
in the Event Map and selecting Edit Motion Keyframes from the
popup menu. This lets you split complex animations into a set of named submotions. Then, when
you perform the Play Motion action, you can select the submotion
to use.
Example: An object has an animation consisting of two parts—walk and run—for
a total of 200 frames. The walk cycle is stored in frames 0 through 99 and the run cycle in
the remaining frames from 100 to 199. It greatly simplifies setting up actions if you split
the total sequence of 200 frames into two named submotions (for example, "walk"
and "run"). Then each can be used without knowledge of the exact range of frames
used by the respective submotions.
- Keyframes
Specifies starting and ending keyframes for an animation. This is useful when assembling more
complex animations.
- Time
Defines the duration of the animation. You can either use the original imported duration,
or override it with a new value.
- Direction Control
Selects the way repeating actions repeat. When the Oscillate
option is checked the motion reverses when it gets to the end rather than just restarting
from the beginning.
- Iteration
With the Loop checked, the animation is played over and over.
If Repeat is checked, you explicitly set the number of times
the animation will repeat before stopping.
When Apply to Children is checked, the above definitions will
apply to all objects downwards in the object hierarchy.
Goto Motion
Jumps directly to a desired position in the animation. When setting the Transition
Time to be greater than 0, the object will morph between the current position and the
new position during the specified timespan.
Stop Motion
Stops the playing of the selected object.
Moves the selected object to a new position. With the sliders, you select a new position for
the object, or you can type the new x, y, and z values directly into the
provided fields. The Performance duration field lets you set the
duration of the translation in milliseconds (ms). (For example, to make a move take 5 seconds,
set the Performance duration to 5000.) If Loop
is checked, then the translation is repeated.
Rotates the selected object.
Stop Translate
Stops the movements of the selected object.
Stop Rotation
Stops the rotation of the selected object.
Adds a timeline based sequence to the selected object. In the dialog (see figure 8) you
can view the actions associated with the sequence. If Blocking
is checked, each action is performed and completed before the next one is started. If Blocking
is not checked, all specified actions are started at the same time.
Stop Sequence
Stops the sequence of the selected object.
Bind Arcball
Lets the end-user manipulate the object directly. The dialog specifies which mouse button does
what (i.e., which one does translation, rotation, or zoom respectively). Rotation is relative
to the object's pivot point. (See figure 9.)
Stops any animation in progress and resets the object to its original translation, rotation,
and zoom values.
Camera Actions |
Select Camera
Selects a camera for the scene.
Stereoscopic features
Selects a camera for the scene but with the option to add stereoscopic
rendering from the selected camera
Sound Actions |
System Beep
Plays a system beep.
Play Sound
Plays a sound as defined by a sound resource (sample, MIDI, etc.) To select a sound resource,
use the menu View:Sounds.
Windows, it is currently only possible to play one sound and one MIDI song at the same time.
(Unless you have more than one sound board, properly installed and configured in an MCI compatible
way. Since MIDI tracks are also played using MCI, they are subjected to all the above restrictions.)
Stop Sound
Stops the playing of the selected sound resource.
Connection Actions |
Load URL
Double-click the action icon to enter URL destination and target. The URL specifies what to
load and the (optional) target field allows you to specify what frame to load the URL into.
Example: If you want the same effect as when activating the HTML link:
<A TARGET="main" HREF="">
you would enter "" in the URL field and "main"
in the target field.
Load Cult3D File
Double-click the action icon to enter the destination where you can load a Cult3D Player file [*.co].
Event Actions |
Trigger Event
The Trigger Event action lets you trigger any event at any time.
For example, if you trigger a Timer Event, it is as if you suddenly
forced that event's clock to the ending value, thus causing any actions which the Timer
Event is associated with to run immediately. Events of type Manual
can only be triggered by a Trigger Event action.
Reset Event
Events can only be triggered when they are in the reset state. All events start out reset, but
once triggered they must be reset before they can be triggered again. You can either do an explicit
reset with a Reset Event action, or you can set it to automatically
reset after it triggers, by checking the Automatic Reset option
in the event popup menu in the Event Map (right-click the event to show it).
Example: Attach a Left Mouse Button event to an object.
Unless it is explicitly reset with a Reset Event action (or the
event has Automatic Reset activated) the end-user will only be
able to trigger it once by clicking.
Activate Event
Events can be either active or inactive. An inactive event can not be triggered until it has
been activated by an Activate Event action. If Initial
Activation is checked, then the event is active. If it is not checked, then you need
to activate the event before it can be triggered.
Example: Create a Timer Event with a duration of 60000ms
(1 minute). Have the Timer Event trigger a System
Beep action. Use the popup menu in the Event Map to make the event inactive by default.
Then bind an Activate Event action to the left-click of some object
and have it activate the Timer Event. When the end-user left-clicks
the object, the Activate Event will activate the Timer
Event. One minute later the Timer Event will trigger the
System Beep action and the user will hear a beep.
Deactivate Event
This action deactivates an event, which allows you to disable other events. (See the example
under Activate Event for a discussion of how to use the activation
state of an event.)
Toggle Event Activation
Toggles the activation state of an event. If the event is already active, the Toggle
Event Activation action deactivates it. If the event is not active, it gets activated. |
Render Actions |
Set Background Color
Sets the background to a new definable color.
Hide Object
Hides the connected object from the viewer.
Unhide Object
If the object was hidden, the object becomes visible.
Bilinear Filtering Toggle
Toggles the bilinear textures filter on or off for all textures in the scene.
Object Properties
Object properties allows you to store data used by your presentation. Each object in the scene has a
set of properties associated with it.
By opening the Object Properties window and selecting an object, you can view the list of properties
currently bound to the object. (See figure 14.) The window shows three columns, one each for
name, initial value, and data type.
The properties ISBN, EAN,
and Greenwich price (a currency neutral "standardized"
price) are present here in preparation for a future e-commerce application.
Every ordinary object comes with a set of seven initial properties. (Compare the first seven properties
seen in figure 14—Name, Translation,
Rotation, Transform, ISBN,
EAN, and Greenwich price.) These are system
properties and can not be removed from the object. Camera objects have only four system properties:
Name, Translation, Rotation,
and Transform.
In addition to the provided system properties, you can add user properties. (Such as the "Counter"
property shown in figure 14.) Press the
button in the Object Properties window to open the Add property dialog (figure 15). Each added
user property must be given a unique name.
name must be 7 bit ASCII and must not contain the following special characters: period (.), minus
(-), plus (+), asterisk (*), left and right parenthesis (()), colon (:), and slash (/), since these
will confuse the expression parser.
By selecting a property and pressing the
button you can access an individual component of another property. (Ps
for sub-property.) For example, if you want to access the y component of the object's Rotation
property, you select Rotation and press
This brings up the Add Property dialog so you can give the new sub-property
a name and a type (in this case, let's choose the name "Rotation_Y" and the type Float or
Integer). When you click the Add button, a second dialog (figure 16)
shows to let you specify what component of Rotation you want to attach
Rotation_Y to. Click Y axis component and
press OK. You will now be able to directly manipulate the y component
of the Rotation property through the name Rotation_Y.
button is not yet implemented
and will always be disabled. There is currently no way of deleting a user property once it has been
created. It will never be possible to delete system properties.
The expression window shown in figure 17 is accessed by selecting Expressions
in the Window menu.
To create the two example expressions shown in figure 17, click on the Add
button to open the Expression Editor dialog (figure 18).
Type a name for the new expression—in this example, let's call it "Add Click Counter".
To write the actual expression, drag object properties (from various Object
Properties windows) into the large text box in the middle of the Expression
Editor dialog. In this example we dragged the the "Counter" property from the Object
Properties window of the object "MorphBall".
To increment the "Counter" property we first add the text "+1" after the name
of the property, and then drag the "Counter" property from the Object
Properties window of the object "MorphBall" into the destination box. This way, when
the expression executes it will first retrive the "Counter" property from the "MorphBall"
object, add one to it, and then store it back in the same "Counter" property in the same
"MorphBall" object. Thus the counter will be incremented by one.
Once the Expression Editor has been used to create the "Add Click
Counter" expression, the Execute Expression action that uses it
can be created. (An expression by itself doesn't do anything, it is the triggering of an Exacute
Expression action pointing to the expression that causes the expression to be evaluated and
the result saved in the destination property.)
To create the Execute Expression action, drag the expression (in this case "Add Click Counter")
into the Event Map window. An Execute Expression action will be created and linked to the expression.
See figure 19.
The example in figure 19 detects when the user clicks the left mouse button on the MorphBall
object. This triggers the Execute Expression action that in turn executes
the "Add Click Counter" expression.
A function like the one just described in figure 19 could, for instance, be used as shown
in figure 20. It does not play the animation until the user has left-clicked the MorphBall
object three times. When the animation starts, it also resets the counter back to zero.
In order for this to work, the value of the object property "Counter" needs to be tested,
and for that the Conditional Test action is used.
Here are all events in the scene displayed, for another view of your created scene criteria. This
lets you manipulate exixting events to, for instance, change their types. This is much quicker than
deleting the old event, creating a new one to take its place, and finally to reconnect all the connections.
If for instance want to change an event type, you can easily do it here, instead of removing the
old event with all it's connections, and then create the new one and connect the old connections to
the new one.